Worcester Bosch Greenstar review and prices

Are you looking for a Worcester Bosch Greenstar boiler, maybe for reviews or price.

Here we will provide you with some guide install prices along with how this boiler operates for you in your home.

Prices including install will vary from £1500 to £2500 depending on the KW output size you require


Worcester Bosch Greenstar Combi boilers

The greenstar combi utilises a flow turbine in there boiler for hot water demand, which is a perfect solution for using this boiler with thermo bar valve showers. Due to the flow of water through the bar shower constantly changing, the turbine is sensitive enough to operate freely without shutting the boiler down on lower water flow. Other boilers utilise metal brass parts which attracts sludge or scale to build up, and although brass is more sturdy, the greenstars plastic housing does not attract this scale build up. 

Making it perfect for continuous use without breakdown. These flow turbines do have a tendancy to leak after a few years, but it is not expensive for you to have the repair.

Repair & Running Costs

The main parts to fail is these boilers are

  • Flowsensor 
  • Mainfolds
  • FAN’S On poor installs or extreme weather, water enters the air intake and blows the fan

All parts above are not expensive to repair, Parts which FAIL due to SLUDGE.


Insurance providers do not cover you for Sludge, Scale or blockages. SO ensuring you have a filter and regular service can prevent these unwanted breakdowns


Worcester Bosch Heat Only

worcester bosch heat onlyThe Worcester bosch heat only boilers, utilise the same setup as the Combi, regards to the heat exchanger and ignition. These boilers are perfect for engineers to maintain and service.

We have found them to be very reliable over the past 10 – 12 years of their release. Provided that a filter is installed to protect the boilers from sludge damage

Repair & Running Costs

The main parts to fail is these boilers are 

  • FAN
  • PCB
  • Or external parts like pumps, zone valves ( no fault of the boiler )