British Gas power flush cost

central heating power flush cost

So your looking for a power flush price, We assume a British Gas power flush cost. More than likely you have British Gas Boiler and heating insurance and they have advised you, YOUR NOT COVERED.

How do i know this?, because i was once an engineer and manager at British Gas, I know in their terms and conditions it states any breakdown or fault will not be covered if caused by 

  • Sludge
  • Scale
  • Restrictions or blockages of water flow

All boiler cover insurances will also state the same terms, as we contract to all major insurance providers around the UK. A British Gas power flush cost we know is expensive coming in over £500. You already are aware that each time British Gas call to your property they may try to sell you a Power Flush or Chemical flush, A new boiler, The Hive, A co alarm or any other product they want to promote.




They miss the real value of customer service – Looking after your needs and NOT THERE PROFITS!.

Power Flush Cost Conclusion

Ok so you know that the cost of a British Gas Power flush will cost you over £500. Here at Shanno group, our Power Flush / Chemical Flush start from just £275, why? because its fair and the power flush price all depends on the system, amount of sludge, chemicals required, amount of radiators, access to pipework and a few more aspects. 

Summary ( British Gas Power flush cost )

So for a British Gas power flush cost for a standard house combi system with upto 11 radiators. Their cost is over £500.

Our power flush / chemical flush cost is between £275 and £350.

We will provide you with certification of the power flush. To show your insurance provider if requested.


which is also in your British Gas insurance policy if you look. it states

“a power flush is not guaranteed to solve your fault”

they may have changed this, but i can also tell you a power flush can only clean so much sludge and contamination from the system and boiler. A filter installed can help catch further sludge and magnatite getting back to the boiler.

Feel free to drop us an email for advice or call us to book in your Power flush / chemical flush

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British Gas power flush cost
Why Pay overpriced British Gas power flush cost, book direct with ex british gas engineers from just £275

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